
Showing posts from 2014

A Visit to Mountain Lake Lodge

 I am one of those people who love the movie, Dirty Dancing.  In my day, this was the big movie of our generation.  The music, the dancing, and of course the actors (Patrick Swayze will always be that young sexy Johnny) were all fantastic - and it's one of those movies that I could watch over and over again, without ever getting tired of it. So, you can imagine my excitement, when I realized that the resort where they filmed part of the movie was practically down the road from where I now live!! I was thrilled!! It's called Mountain Lake Lodge, and it was chosen to be the backdrop of the movies because it somewhat resembles the Catskills of New York.  There was another filming location in Lake Lure, North Carolina too, and I do plan to check out that location sometime as well.   Mountain Lake Lodge is located deep in the mountains of Giles County, Virginia.  Off of 460 where I live, you vear off of a winding road that eventually takes you to the top of the mountain, and th

A Last-Minute Weekend Getaway

The start of a new school year always gets me excited.  It's a fresh start.  It's a chance to hit the "reset" button.  This year for us, was a biggie.  Kindergarten.  My oldest was heading to her first real classroom (even though she's been in a daycare setting since she was 9 months old) this was real school.  With a real teacher, and real classmates.  Exciting! However I wasn't feeling it this year, and quite frankly, I was a little depressed. Normally, the end of summer can't come fast enough.  The kids are bored.  My husband is at his limits and everyone is ready to get back to a routine.  We've been on vacation, we got our fair share of sunburns, we've done the pool thing, now we're all bored.  Let's get back to school.  Back to a regular schedule, with early wake-up times and early bedtimes.  Family sit-down dinners with bath time and lights out at 7:30.  But this time, when the beginning of school came around, I was not ready for an

A Visit to Galax -- Where Old Time Mountain Music Comes to Life

My recent travels took me down to Galax, Virginia to feature the area for our ongoing series.   I have never been there before, but heard a lot about it from a friend of mine who is from this area.  She often talked about small town living and the limited shopping that's available.  But see, she's really a city girl at heart, and you can't blame the gal for wanting to go somewhere that has an Ann Taylor's LOFT and a Gap close by. And this is not the place to go if you want the latest in women's fashions.   However, she neglected to describe how steeped this place is in its music history - and it's a must-visit if you're into old time mountain music. Galax is now known as the World's Capital of Old Time Mountain Music. It used to be an area known for its furniture and textile industry, however,  after much of that industry went overseas, it had to reinvent itself.  And it has.  It has now become a music mecca along the Crooked Road and visitors c

Something to Remember..


Time Once Again.. to Reconnect

My husband and I are trying to get through this summer.  It's been going fast and slow at the same time.  See, he's a stay-at-home dad during the summer months.  And the kids are bored.  Time is going way too fast for me, and way too slow for him.  While he enjoys time with the kids, he is ready for them to go back to school.  And while he's home, I've got the easy part.  I go to work.  I hate to admit it, but I find myself taking him for granted.  I'm ashamed to write this because I know I shouldn't. But just like I need reminding to put my phone away from time to time, I also need reminding that my husband needs attention too.  He's such a huge help and I lean on him constantly, but I forget sometimes that he also needs someone to lean on - and I need to remember to be there for him more often.  I was reminded of that fact just recently, and it got me thinking-  can I do more to keep our marriage strong? What exactly does make a marriage strong? I'm g

Going "Off the Grid" - One Family's Story

I have said time and time again that this blog is not about being a "survivalist" or being one of those people from the TV show "Doomsday Bunkers" on the Discovery channel .  (And I should add, that if it ever gets to the point where the end of the world is about to happen - aren't I going to be the one who's sorry?) But, instead - this blog is all about disconnecting a bit - and allowing ourselves time to enjoy life.  Putting down the phones or turning off the TV once in a while to enjoy a quick getaway vacation or just a relaxing afternoon picnic with the family.  Well, I was recently informed from a friend that this one family in North Carolina took steps to "disconnect" - and it snowballed.  In a good way.  I asked her to share her story - and she gladly accepted (thank you!) Here is her story - in her own words.  I have to say - I'm definitely inspired.  See more on her blog, Robb and I had been

Discovering a Family Recipe

 I am staying here in Nebraska for a couple of days visiting my husband's family.  I was secretly dreading it.  It is Nebraska - in July.  It's usually hotter than hell here in the summer.  And humid.  Where does the humidity come from? The corn. Seriously. But as this trip comes to an end, I realize that this flat, vast land - that is so different from the landscape that I grew up around on the east coast -  feels so much like home to me.  I only lived here for a couple of years, and yet, coming back,  I feel like I never left.  Maybe because I feel so comfortable around my husband's family.  They are all such warm, loving people and have made me feel a part of their family from the moment I met them.  But that's how these Nebraskans are.  They are incredibly kind.  I mean it.  I've lived in several different cities and states over the years and let me tell you - you won't find nicer people than those who you meet in the Midwest.  They are genuine. When