Creating a Video with My Daughter

I can't tell you how many times my daughter has bugged me about doing a YouTube video.  My background is in television, and she always wanted to go on my show and host cooking segments with me.  I didn't mind it, but doing a YouTube video?  Ugh.  I didn't want to expose her like that and have her looking at all of her "likes" or, in our case, "no likes." In our social media centered world, it's so scary to have our kids exposed, especially when we hear of all the studies linking online bullying and suicides with social media.  But it's here, and it's not going anywhere.  She's not on social media yet, she's way too young, but I'm trying to educate her about it - the good, the bad and the very ugly that goes along with it.  So since it's not going anywhere, I thought we could do a video together - a baking segment (which she always wanted to do) where we would learn how to bake together.  I have to say, it was fun, and it's a great way to do something creative together.  But as I put it out there, I do worry about the reaction.  I hope it's positive.  It's better than all the other silly and shocking videos out there, which I'm trying to prevent her from trying to emulate.  Hopefully she'll enjoy doing this for now, and will look back at this time with her mom fondly.


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