My Happy File

I just read a little story on my Bible app about a woman having a “normal” day with someone,
she doesn’t mention who it was, but it was just an ordinary day – with no special plans.
The two decided to have lunch outside on a beautiful day, soaking up the sunshine, talking and
sharing a couple of laughs.  Then, this person whispers: This is going in my “happy file”.
She goes on to explain that her happy file was her record she kept of God’s simple blessings, those
moments in time with a little extra spark. You know, those times when you look back and think about
them and they make you smile? What a concept, right? A file of good memories doesn’t have to be
an expensive vacation, and well-thought-out, busy day filled with activities. I can be simply a moment
in time that makes you smile.  I love this idea and plan on keeping my own “happy file” of the things
that happen each day that make me happy and appreciative of all that God has given me.
And when I think of those blessings, I realize my cup overflows. It’s easy to get negative and
think of all the stress and things going wrong. But it’s far better to put those thoughts on hold and
instead focus on the good. Yesterday, for example, was one of those days that turned out to be a
day that will go into the “happy file”. 

It was a normal Sunday. We went to a new church, came home and everyone went their separate ways.
My husband had work to do, the girls scattered to play with their dolls, and I did some mundane tidying up. Then, instead of going to the gym as we normally
do in the afternoon, I suggested a small hike. Nothing too difficult or long, but it was a 65 degree
sunny January afternoon and I wanted to soak it up. We headed up to Mill Mountain and turned off
to check out Chestnut Ridge Loop Trail.  We have never been but decided to give it a go.

We had no plan, no expectations, and no time constraints. Once we hit the trail, my youngest started
whining and complaining. I immediately thought I should have gone to the gym. But instead, we
endured and before long, we were all chatting away, and enjoying the great outdoors.

We were only out for about an hour, but this will go down into my “happy file” because it was a rare
opportunity, in January, to enjoy the beautiful mountains in which we live, with no plan, and nowhere
to be.  To have my family healthy, happy, and together is such a blessing, and I plan to make sure that I never
take these moments for granted.  

Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, people standing, child and outdoor, possible text that says 'CHESTNUT RIDGE LOOP TRAIL'


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